A series of exercises designed to help the child reach the stage of independence and confidence though meaningful activity using familiar objects.
These help the child to perfect his coordination and concentration and to acquire good working habits.
They also help to encourage the care of oneself and environment and to attain social grace and courtesy.
Dr. Montessori believed that educating the senses preceded intellectual development. A child’s education of the senses begins at birth. Around 2.5 years old, he/she enters a sensitive period for organizing these impressions.
Therefore,as a young child meets the world around him through the constant use of all his senses, these materials help the child to refine them and understand the many impressions he/she receives through them - the colours, notes, noises, forms and sizes, touch-sensations, odours and tastes.
Much like the alphabet organizes language, the sensorial work organizes these impressions.
Montessori math is full of hands-on learning,A child learns the basic concept of arithmetic by using concrete,specifically designed materials.
This way the child develops a positive understanding of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with an introduction to numbers and quantity.
We start working with shapes and patterns early.
Art is a natural activity to support free play in children at school and is considered a vital and valuable element for the wholesome and harmonious brain development of children.
These activities instill a sense of pride and achievement in a child, which helps in boosting his self-esteem.
They express their creativity,demonstrate self control/patience and develop bilateral and motor coordination through it.
The child learns the phonetic sounds of the alphabetical symbols first and develops word building gradually progressing to long phonetic words and sentences.
Parallel to this,the child is introduced to the phonograms,different parts of grammar.
They also get a chance to watch choicest BBC documentaries every week as a part of General Knowledge and world awareness activities.
Science is an integral element of the Montessori curriculum. Among other things, it represents a way of life: a clear thinking approach to gathering information and problem solving.
The scope of the Montessori science curriculum includes a sound introduction to botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy.
Our approach to science cultivates children’s fascination with the universe and helps them develop a lifelong interest in observing nature and discovering more about the world in which we live.
The main aim is to nurture a feeling of love,respect and responsibility for all living things within a young child. This could happen through acknowledgment and understanding.
Every week children participate in music and dance lessons.
They sing songs,play musical instruments and learn the rhythm of sound.
We train Zumba to our students under the Dance Club, which is a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility and boosted energy.
The music teacher also prepares the children for various cultural festivals from around the world.
All children over 2 enjoy football and yoga session every week with the respective coaches.The football coach teaches the children a variety of football Skills such as ball movements,eye-leg coordination,racing,bouncing and shooting the balls into the goalposts.
We have a reputed yoga teacher on-board who helps the children meditate, perform simple stretch exercises and understand calming down in anxious situations.
Children over 2 get a chance to go-out in the School Van and explore the open/forest areas during warmer days on a turn-by-turn basis,appreciate the beauty and benefits of being in contact with the nature.A rich and varied environment supports children's learning and development.
Cooking calls into play the greatest number of skills used simultaneously, more than any other activity in the classroom.Therefore, All children over 2 participate in cookery club every fortnight where they develop and learn important aspects of a healthy food.